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Climatron Premium Growth Cabinet CLIMATRON-2600

Thermoline has been designing and manufacturing plant growth cabinets for over 40 years in our Sydney, Australia, factory. Our new and improved control system provides users with increased flexibility while maintaining a simple-to-use platform.

The Climatron Premium Series offers precise control of the chamber environment, including temperature, humidity, CO2(optional) and high intensity LED lighting for the optimum growth of plant material.


The Climatron Premium Series plant growth chamber offers precise environmental conditions on a larger scale than the Climatron cabinets. The Premium chambers are manufactured using PIR panel to provide a relatively light weight but strong body. The working interior is manufactured from highly reflective white aluminium and flooring featuring "Uni-Flow" even air distribution system, manufactured from polypropylene for greater moisture and chemical resistance against fertilizers and potting mixture.

Thermoline's unique "Ezy-Lift" hydraulic floor system allows users to drop the floor height down as the plants grow up. Simply turn the adjustment handle to the required height to lift to a maximum height of 1200mm from the lowest to the highest point. 

Need to adjust the temperature, lighting, humidity or carbon dioxide in the cabinet? With our Select Touch and Run (STAR X) touchpad control system, you can do it with ease. Thanks to our STAR X touchscreen control system, you can easily adjust and program the temperature and humidity settings in the cabinet. The STAR X allows for the operator to synchronise programmed settings to real time and has an ethernet connectivity which, once connected, will allow the operator to perform all functions via a PC. The STAR X logs the performance of the cabinet to onboard memory. This memory can hold up to 365 days of logged data and for ease of use,  we have incorporated a live trend screen to allow the operator to quickly check the performance conditions within the cabinet. Alternatively, the operator can download the logged data to a USB flash drive for archiving or review via a PC. No specific software is required to view logged data. A simple spreadsheet program is sufficient (Microsoft Excel or similar).

When used for plant cultivation in greenhouses, LED technology is not only more energy efficient than conventional lighting but also makes it possible to accelerate plant growth and improve plant quality. The new LED lighting inside the Premium range chambers provides the internal space with a proven industry platform that can be individually tailored to suit your specific area of application.

Equipped with highly efficient LEDs in the relevant colours for plant lighting, (4000K, Leaf (2700K) and Bloom (1900K)), our SMD modules offer a perfect platform for your lighting solution. Maximum light output is 1500 µmols @ 1m distance for unmatched light intensity and flexibility. 

4000k: Because the light is neutral, not leaning in favour of red or blue spectrum, it can be described as ‘standard’ and is the closest equivalent to Cool White T5 fluorescent lamps.

Leaf (2700K): 'Leaf' is the recommendation for plants and vegetables which should have an optimized vegetative growth. Due to increased spectral emission in the far red (> 700 nm), as well as in the green (500–560 nm) spectral range, the growth of the plants or the vegetables can be positively influenced.

Bloom (1900K): 'Bloom' shows an optimized effect on ornamental plants and young seedlings, which need support in the flowering or in the initial growth stage. The spectrum is characterized by its focus on the blue and red spectral range, which provides maximum efficiency in photosynthesis.

Technical Data

  • Brand
  • Capacity
  • Temperature Range
    +10°C to +40°C
  • Electrical
  • Castors
  • Humidity Range
    Ambient to 90%RH

Support & FAQs

At Thermoline, we strive to supply helpful customer support to ensure that you get the most out of our products. We are committed to providing whatever support our customers need, wherever they are in the world. If you can't find your solution in the below FAQs or Knowledge Base, please contact our friendly support team.

What is a plant growth cabinet?

A plant growth cabinet, also known as a plant growth chamber, is a controlled environment system that simulates and studies plant growth under controlled environmental conditions. It typically has an enclosed chamber with controlled lighting, temperature, humidity, and carbon dioxide (CO2) levels.

Plant growth cabinets are used in plant science research to study the effects of environmental factors on plant growth and development. By controlling environmental conditions, researchers can investigate how plants respond to temperature, light intensity, humidity, and atmospheric composition changes, among other factors.

Plant growth cabinets can study various plant species, including crops, horticultural plants, and model organisms such as Arabidopsis thaliana. They are also used for plant breeding, genetic research, and testing the effectiveness of plant growth regulators and other agrochemicals.

Plant growth cabinets can vary in size and complexity, from small bench-top models to larger walk-in chambers. They are typically equipped with sensors and controllers that allow researchers to monitor and adjust environmental conditions to maintain precise control over the growing environment.

Why is it important to have efficient light in a growth chamber?

Efficient light is essential in a growth chamber because it directly affects the growth and development of plants. Light is a critical factor in photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy to fuel growth and metabolism.

Efficient light in a growth chamber refers to using high-quality, energy-efficient light sources that provide the appropriate light spectrum and intensity for optimal plant growth. The light spectrum and intensity requirements vary depending on the specific plant species and growth stage. For example, plants typically require higher levels of blue light during vegetative growth and higher levels of red light during flowering and fruiting.

Efficient light in a growth chamber also refers to using light fixtures and reflectors that minimise heat generation and distribute light evenly across the plant canopy. Excessive heat can damage plants and reduce their growth, so it's important to use light fixtures that generate minimal heat and distribute light evenly to prevent hot spots.

Efficient light is essential in a growth chamber because it can significantly affect plant growth and development. A sufficient or low-quality light can lead to stunted growth, reduced photosynthesis, and lower yields. In contrast, efficient light can promote healthy growth and development, increase yields, and enhance the nutritional value of crops.

What is the best colour light for plant growth?

The best colour of light for plant growth depends on the specific growth stage and the type of plant being grown. Different light colours can promote different aspects of plant growth and development, and plants have different optimal light requirements depending on their species and growth stage.

In general, plants use red and blue light most efficiently for photosynthesis. Blue light is important for vegetative growth, as it promotes the development of chloroplasts, which are responsible for photosynthesis. Red light is important for flowering and fruiting, as it encourages the production of phytochrome, a pigment that regulates the timing of these processes.

However, green light is less efficiently used for photosynthesis by plants because it is reflected by chlorophyll, which makes plants appear green. Green light may even inhibit some aspects of plant growth. As a result, some researchers have suggested that light sources with a higher proportion of red and blue light are more effective for promoting plant growth.

In addition to red and blue light, plants also require small amounts of other colours of light, such as far-red light, which can promote seed germination and regulate plant development.

What is Dew Point?

The dew point is the temperature at which dew (condensation) forms and is a measure of atmospheric moisture. It is the temperature to which air must be cooled at constant pressure and water content to reach saturation. Dew points are expressed as a temperature. Higher dew points correlate to higher moisture content, also known as absolute humidity.

The dew point represents the lowest temperature to which air with specific temperature and relative humidity (RH) can be cooled. At the dew point, air has a relative humidity of 100%, and additional cooling produces condensation rather than lowering the air temperature.

Do I need a water tank to supply water to the cabinet?
You only need a 25L/55L water tank if your cabinet cannot be connected to mains water supply. If mains water supply is not possible, 25L gravity and 55L pump water feed tanks are available to supply water to the cabinet. As a rule of thumb, a cabinet running at 90%RH will deplete a 55L water tank in approximately three days.